My first novel 'FORGIVEN' is a story about a wealthy New Yorker and holocaust survivor, Eva Goltz, who must right a terrible wrong.
Eight years ago, in 1991, she bribed and coerced her son’s girlfriend, Deborah, to leave her newborn daughter behind and return to London. Now with her precious son dead and nobody to take care of eight-year-old Maya Eva must convince Deborah to come back. On her return Deborah is forced to face her short-comings and everything she lost when she walked away.
Eva is still seething at Deborah for getting involved with her son. Deborah is heartbroken that Eva made sure they could never be a family. Eva has spent her entire life ducking her haunted past, but as she lives through her final weeks, she sees how her own stolen family made her a perpetrator of the unforgivable. Deborah must try to be a mother to Maya and live down her fast-living and money-grabbing reputation.
In this tense inter-generational story of love, rupture and repair both Eva and Deborah must learn what it is to forgive and be forgiven.
Order the paperback or e-book here
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Finally, are you the member of a book club? If so FORGIVEN includes book club questions at the back that might inspire deeper conversations and interesting insights. For the first three book clubs to get in touch I'm offering to come along (in-person if you're close enough or via zoom) and answer your questions at one of your meetings. Drop me a line at to apply.